How to Take Care of My Braces at School?

Taking care of your braces while going to school sounds challenging. However, the right mindset, packed with a few tips from Byrne Orthodontics, could make the experience easy and even enjoyable. Most of our young patients often ask us how to take care of their braces at school.

Check out this quick guide to caring for your braces and making school life memorable, which is written by Dr. Bryan Byrne and Dr. Natalie Pinckney.

Packing a Handy Braces Kit

Outfit and school supplies aside, you will need to use a small bag for your braces essentials. This bag will be a special care kit for your braces that will keep you ready and should contain the following:

  • Travel toothbrush and toothpaste: A toothbrush and some toothpaste will make cleaning your teeth and braces easier. Removing food residue reduces the risk of plaque buildup and braces damage.
  • Orthodontic wax: Also known as dental wax, this soft and pliable material serves as a cushion to prevent your braces from irritating and scratching the insides of your mouth.
  • Dental floss: Aside from brushing your teeth, flossing is a definite must-have for reaching tight gaps. Regular flossing keeps your gums healthy and prevents food from getting stuck in your teeth.
  • Lip balm: Chapped lips are common among people with braces. Lip balms and chapsticks can help alleviate that dryness.
  • Extra elastics: The rubber band that pulls your brackets together wears out over time and can even snap unexpectedly. Keeping extra elastics nearby ensures your progress remains consistent through your school days.
  • Portable mirror: A pocket mirror lets you check your braces whenever you need to, without asking permission to go out and use the school bathroom mirrors.

Additionally, you’d benefit from keeping some OTC pain relievers to help you face any potential discomfort.

Get Ready for Emergencies

As you go through class, eat lunch with classmates, and go to gym class, there are a few possibilities that could cause an emergency with your braces. Knowing the common scenarios is only half the battle, but properly preparing for each of them is what matters:

  • Loose or Broken Brackets

Brackets, on both metal braces and clear braces, can fall off for a number of reasons. The first thing to NOT do is panic; loose brackets alone are not a major emergency. You simply need to bring the bracket to our office in Saratoga Springs, and we’ll handle the rest. 

However, if the bracket cracks, breaks, or dangles around, you can use orthodontic wax to cover it and prevent it from scratching or irritating the insides of your mouth.

  • Cut or Protruding Wires

A more serious problem with braces is if the archwire snaps, whether from chewing hard foods or even getting hit with a ball during gym class. The first thing to do is to assess the situation; if the exposed wire is short, you can use orthodontic wax to cover the small bit to prevent it from poking your cheeks, lips, and gums.

However, longer wires pose significantly more risks. You can use a sterilized pair of nail clippers to remove the excess wire and cover the leftovers with orthodontic wax. 

  • Sores or Mouth Ulcers

Contact between your braces and the insides of your mouth is inevitable, and the discomfort it can potentially cause can affect your ability to concentrate at school. There are multiple solutions possible for mouth ulcers or sores:

  • Rinse with salt water to alleviate discomfort, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.
  • Apply orthodontic wax to the part of the braces causing the sore or the ulcer.
  • Apply topical treatments such as oral gels or mouth ulcer patches to relieve pain and protect the affected part from further irritation.
  • Snapped Elastics

During your initial consultations, Dr. Byrne and Dr. Pinckney will teach you how to replace your elastics properly. Your braces also come with a spare set of elastics so that you can replace them yourself when needed. Just make sure to wash your hands first and follow the steps to put your rubber bands on to prevent further damage.

Another good rule to follow is that if you’re unsure, don’t proceed. You can inform your teacher or ask for help from the school clinic staff. Of course, you can always contact us at Byrne Orthodontics to help you with any problem with your orthodontic treatment.

 How to Take Care of My Braces at School?

Follow Your Routine, Even After School

To keep your orthodontic treatment effective, safe, and as comfortable as possible, round-the-clock commitment is required, even beyond school hours! By keeping your braces in good condition, you also minimize the risks of your orthodontic appliance breaking or having any issues while you’re at school.

Keeping your teeth clean — brushing, flossing, and gargling — should be done religiously after every meal. Additionally, regular appointments with your orthodontist ensure that your braces work as well as they are intended to. Aside from adjusting your braces to maintain the right amount of force on your teeth, Dr. Byrne and Dr. Pinckney will also take the opportunity to check up on you and see if changes to your treatment plan are necessary.

 How to Take Care of My Braces at School?

Get a School-Ready Smile With Braces

Going to school with braces doesn’t have to be a frightening experience, whether you’re decide to get metal or clear braces. Getting into the right mindset, guided by an orthodontic team you can rely on, can make your treatment experience safe, comfortable, and effective.

If you’re ready to get that smile you’ve always wanted, schedule your free consultation at Byrne Orthodontics, and we’ll find the braces that suit you.